Monday, December 3, 2007

Product Rec: The Body Shop Oil Burner

After Mom came over yesterday and helped clean out our pig sty of a house, I realized our house has no smell. It doesn't smell bad (I don't doesn't, does it?) but it never really has any kind of a good smell to it, either. I always love it when you walk into someone's home and there's a scent - cookies, warm from the oven; bread baking; pine sol; something simmering on the stove.

So I went out yesterday in a hunt for something that would be subtle, that we could change on a whim, that wouldn't break the bank and that would fill the house with a yummy scent. I ended up with The Body Shop's oil burner and Home Fragrance Oil in Orange Clove.
Within 5 minutes the scent was filling the kitchen. Within 15 minutes, I could smell it in the back bedroom, with the door closed even! It wasn't overpowering or headache-inducing, but it was nice and cozy. Ricky and I really like it. I think I'll get another scent or two. The wonderful thing is that most of their scents are fruity or spicy rather than floral, so we have a lot to choose from. I can't stand floral scents!

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