Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What would have been a better choice?

This is what I ask my students when they are dealing with the consequences of a poor decision. I need to start asking this of myself, too, and changing my behavior when it comes to food and working out.

My goal is 10 pounds by the end of April, then another 10 by the end of May, and so on and so forth until I reach my ultimate goal. That is my goal, but my actions aren't showing it. I'm drinking full sugar coffees, having exotic cheeses on my sandwiches, and consuming far too many calories each day. My exercise consists of walking from the truck to school and back. I need to do more and eat less. I need to, and I know this, so why isn't my behavior changing?

I don't know. That's the honest answer. I battle myself and still lose out. I have no will power. Maybe I was absent the day God handed that out, I don't know. No matter how much I weigh my options, no matter how much I know I need to choose a different food or get some exercise, I just don't do it.

Well. That changes today. I've started tracking my food on again. I plan on getting at least a short bike ride in tonight. I will make better choices. I will find a way to lose weight. Somehow, I will.


Anonymous said...

I found that going step by step helps a lot! About a month ago, I decided to allow myself to have only one pop or coffee a day. Now, I know this might be more difficult for you... giving up the coffee... but maybe you could try tea? Anyways, after Easter I decided to stop my snacking, or at least substitute wheat thins for doritos and stuff like that. I have also put some sort of workout routine into the day, even if it is just speeding up my walking on the way to class or 100 crunches before I go to bed. I recently cut ALL other drinks out and now only drink water. And lots of it! I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't try and do everything at once. Maybe you already have tried this, I don't know... but good luck!! I will be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

How are you doing with this?

Unknown said...

Laura... I empathize with you 100%. Gosh it's hard to be healthy!

Here are my suggestions:
1) Keep your cardio workouts fun and diverse. I never do the same workout 2 days in a row (ie. walking, running, soccer, a video...)

2) Find healthy snacks you like! This is crucial! Do you like fruit?... or unsalted almonds? Maybe light popcorn?

I hope this helps... also don't forget, you're not alone. No matter what, don't be too hard on yourself. Just keep at it!


PS. I find your blog encouraging.