- Peeps: Love them, but prefer them stale. Must be the chicks, can't stand the bunnies. Also won't eat Peeps made for other holidays, like the trees and such at Christmas.
- Cadbury Eggs: Adore them, but prefer them when the inside is runny. And I've always wondered how they keep the yellow from mixing with the white to make the whole thing a pale yellow.
- Yams: I don't care if they are yams or sweet potatoes, but they must be fresh and baked with butter and brown sugar. No marshmallows* allowed!
- Fruit Salad: This is where the marshmallows* go! That and the maraschino cherries. Yum!
- Turkey: Totally a day after Thanksgiving food for me. I load my plate with all the side dishes the day off, then eat turkey sandwiches made with white meat on white bread with real mayo and some salt, sprinkled into my hand first, then dusted over the turkey, after that.
- Dressing: Totally unnecessary. Yuck.
- Pie: Only like the filling, hate the crust. Not a huge fan of pumpkin, either.
- Candy Canes: Not a big fan. Not sure why, they're just not my favorite.
- Marshmallow* Santas: Yum! Only one kind will do, though - the Russell Stover ones in the green package.
- Fudge: Love it, nuts or no nuts, makes no difference to me!
- Divinity: Again, love it, but no nuts, ever.
- Sugar Cookies: I know everyone loves to make the sugar cookies and roll them out and decorate them, and I do too...but I don't really care to eat them when they're decorated. If I'm going to eat sugar cookies, I want them plain. Mostly 'cause I just don't like frosting.
- Bottom of the Stocking: Ok, this is kind of an odd one, but in my family (as in a lot of families, I think), Santa always leaves an orange in the bottom of the stocking. One small problem - I don't like oranges. So, Santa leaves a grapefruit.
Yes, I know I have some quirky eating habits. Put Ricky and I together and it gets really weird. I hate pie, he only likes storebought pumpkin pie (weirdo). Someday I'll have to block about his weird habits too!
*I will never forget how to spell the word marshmallow. Mrs Bolen, my 2nd grade teacher, misspelled it as "marshmellow" on my special spelling list and Mom had to correct her. Since then, the correct spelling has stuck with me.
1 comment:
I'm sure I could think of some weird food habits too. We just had Easter and I was more excited about the Raisin Sauce than the ham or mashed potatoes. Would it have been crass to just eat it out of the gravy boat?
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