The ramblings of a 30 something teacher/wife/dog mom about her mundane existence and the occasional bursts of excitement.
2) I've also been wanting a pair of Crocs flip flops. Normally $30, I just couldn't quite swallow paying full price. Yesterday I was able to stack some coupon codes with a MyPoints daily deal that allowed me to get these
The best part of these purchases? By shopping through the MyPoints website, I earned multiple points per dollar spent. Not only did MyPoints help me save some money, they also gave me extra points while doing it! Another 900 points and I'll be getting another $50 gift card. I wonder which one I should get this time?
*If you want to sign up to do MyPoints, let me know and you can sign up under me. I'm being selfish here - it doesn't help you in any way, but I get points for having referred you!
The theatre was a bizarre place, to be sure. A lot of very strange things went on there. Some of the highlights...
This means that, in my building alone, we are looking at potentially losing 10-17 teachers. Out of 50. Yeah, that's a pretty huge percentage.
A couple of the music teachers in our district, teachers who will be out of a job at the end of the year because they teach elementary music, put this video together. I think it really speaks to the sad reality that is our district.
If you don't have the time to watch the video all the way through, I will tell you this - at the end, there is a statement imploring those who would like to see our state dip into the rainy day fund to help fund education for next year to put an umbrella in their yard. Please, put an umbrella in your yard to show your support for education, the arts, the library and physical education. Our kids, need something to look forward to. Reading is hard, math is hard, science is hard. Important, yes, but difficult for so many kids. To have a class that allows them the time to be creative, think outside the box, and to use their brains in different ways is to allow them a chance to rest from the other subjects, rejuvenate themselves, and get ready to face the difficult tasks once again. Studies have shown repeatedly that participation in performance arts, including music, theatre and dance, lead to better disciplined students with higher grades. Why would anyone want to take that away from a child?
Yes, I know I have some quirky eating habits. Put Ricky and I together and it gets really weird. I hate pie, he only likes storebought pumpkin pie (weirdo). Someday I'll have to block about his weird habits too!
*I will never forget how to spell the word marshmallow. Mrs Bolen, my 2nd grade teacher, misspelled it as "marshmellow" on my special spelling list and Mom had to correct her. Since then, the correct spelling has stuck with me.
And now, in the interest of entertainment, I'd like to hear how my readers would have reacted. Wittiest answer wins!
(Yes, these people really did make sweaters from the hair of their dogs. I shudder to think of it.)
I'm not big on resolutions. I'm really really really good at making them, but I suck at sticking to them, so usually I just say screw it. And of course, I tend to do the same ones every year:
But you know what? Those are no fun. I'm actually really happy with where I am in life. Are things perfect? No. Could I stand to excercise more, lose weight, and keep a cleaner house? Of course - couldn't we all? But I'm tired of those being my resolutions. Putting those on the list feels like an obligation, rather than a goal I'd really like to reach. Instead, I've come up with a couple more fun ones:
Yup, that means every week I'll be reading a book, trying a recipe and sending someone I love - or not - a card or letter to tell them how much they do - or don't - mean to me. Ambitious? Certainly, but also attainable, I think.