Monday, December 29, 2008

I am a bad bad bad bad girl

I've missed so many days of blogging. Most of those days I've opened the box...then closed it again. Open. Close. Open. Close. You get the idea. I have nothing to say. Nothing interesting is happening, except that we had a lot of freaking snow and I about went crazy from being trapped in the house (thanks Dad for driving me around!) and then it warmed up and started raining and the snow disappeared within 48 hours.

But today, I do have something exciting - my Grandma is here visiting!! (and yes, I do know that the word "grandma" should not be capitalized in that case but I don't care) She was supposed to be here yesterday, but Northwest cancelled her plane due to "aircraft maintenance." Really I think my Indiana family wasn't ready to give her up ;-) Just kidding guys!

So she made it here, safe and sound, albeit a day late. We spent the afternoon eating hot dogs for lunch, chatting in the kitchen, and snoozing on the couch in front of the tv. She met our dog, who immediately took a liking to her since she'll sit and pet him for a while, and got the tour of our new house. It's so wonderful to have her here; Ricky and I haven't seen her in over a year. We have no big plans for the week, just hanging out, visiting and in general enjoying each other's company.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Grandma gets up E-A-R-L-Y and we all know how much of a morning person I am. I need to get some sleep so I can at least get up in time to feed Grandma lunch! :-P (Just kidding Mom, the alarm is set for 7)

PS - Happy Birthday Lindsey!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! I pretty much smiled through this entire post. Especially about grandma getting up early! And of course the little "P.S." at the end :)

Hope you have a great week with grandma!